Add an occurrence

Updated on January 25, 2023

Here’s how you can add an occurrence (or attendance violation) to an associate using TrackPath.

Log in to your TrackPath account and select the Associates tab on the left hand side of the page.

From the Associates list view, select the associate you want to add an occurrence for. You can use the search field to quickly find the associate.

From the Associate view, select the action to Add occurrence. Screen Shot 2023-01-25 at 9 15 24 PM

Select an occurrence Type from the dropdown menu, and select the Date on which this occurrence happened. You may also need to enter Optionally, you can use the Details of occurrence field to add more information about what happened.

Once you’ve added all the details of the occurrence, select the Add occurrence action to finish adding this occurrence.

Screen Shot 2023-01-25 at 9 22 20 PM

That’s it! Congratulations on adding your first occurrence. Adding occurrences will increase the associate’s active occurrence points. TrackPath will prompt you if the occurrence you’ve just added requires you to issue counseling to the associate.

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